Ideas Of Ice Cream Cone Holders You’ll Surely Love

Do you run an ice cream parlor? Then I’m sure you’ll need some cool ideas to make your business grow. Well, it’s very simple that the more different you are than your competitors, the more customers you get. So are you presenting your ice creams in the same boring way everyone does? You might have ice cream cups and cones available but did you think of making the presentation much better than that? Let me present to you an idea of ice cream holders. It can either be a cup holder or a cone holder. So? What do you think? 

The purpose behind presenting these to you is to give you the idea that you can make your business much more than it currently is. You can even get some awesome customized ice cream cone holders from packaging companies. But for that, let me give you some ideas on how you can customize your cone holders and in what style. Let’s get on with it. 

In The Box-Like Form

This one is a simple yet very enticing design of ice cream cone holders. It is actually nothing but a box with holes on top of it. So basically, it works like a cone holder if you put the cones inside the holes. The cone stays up and then you can serve the cone holder to your customers in your parlor. But if you use your hands to hold the cones and present to your customers, then you can only carry two at a time and this won’t look good at all. So why not be a little stylish and classy using these cone holders?

Cone Bridge Stand

As the name implies, these cone holders are in the form of a bridge. They have two legs and in between is the panel that actually holds the ice cream cones. You can make it as bigger as you want and as possible. So if you want it to be a one cone holder or a four cone holder, then it’s your choice. You can have these made by the packaging materials like cardboard or corrugated stock for higher stability and durability and it will not cost you much as well. They will be very friendly and safe towards your ice-creams too. And imagine how happy your customers will be to see such an innovative thing ONLY at your parlor. 

The C-Cone Stand

This one is the simplest but very useful way to display your ice creams. These cone holders are in the form of a C. The lower part helps with standing on the table and the top part has holes in it to hold the cones. The presentation looks really gorgeous because you can see the cones hanging below just like in the Cone Bridge Stand. 

What Do You Think?

Are you still going to work the same way as every other parlor does or do you want to be innovative and impress your customers? Of course, it’s the latter! Then you should consider getting any of the three ice cream cone holders from Dawn Printing. They have been in the field for a very long time. You will be astonished when you’ll receive the exact design that you ordered in its best form.

You won’t have to pay a lot for these holders because that’s their specialty, they give more and take less. Plus, they often have a sale going on so that would be a plus point as well. Just give them a call at 209-566-0928 to get more details and set up your order of amazing ice cream cone holders.


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